Core parochial Commitments / Value
(Our Mission Statement)
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to the Continuation of Traditional Anglicanism through the Historic Liturgy and opportunities for learning that have been a consistent hallmark of the Parish. Liturgy and Learning – Word and Sacrament – define Catholic Christianity – and are core values of the Parish.
Sunday Discussion Group
On most Sundays a Discussion Group follows Coffee Hour. The Discussion Group is facilitated by one of the priests and normally focuses on the Sunday readings and their application to daily life. There are occasions when the lives of Saints…ancient and modern…or some other topic of interest are explored. Discussion Group is an opportunity to ask questions and share perspectives in a relaxed setting that fosters learning…and reinforces the Parish’s commitment to teaching. Partisan politics, whether church or secular, is rigorously avoided.
Seasonal Studies
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. Saint Joseph Parish offers a seven week Lenten Study Series commencing the following Wednesday and concluding Easter Wednesday. Each Lenten Wednesday begins with Evening Prayer followed by a Soup/Salad Supper. The Study integrates a book on one of the Gospels, or Psalms, or Liturgy, with a directed study outlined in a syllabus.
Catechism/Confirmation Preparation
Children and adults preparing for Confirmation meet with one of the priests, either individually, or in small group settings. A syllabus focuses the discussion. The Liturgy…and what the Mass teaches are explored. Confirmation preparation for children is presented in a friendly, understandable, way. Questions are encouraged. Confirmation takes place during the bishop’s Annual Visitation. Persons who were confirmed in the Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox churches are not re-confirmed but are received into the Anglican Catholic Church by the bishop.